House Floshin
House Floshin
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Symbol |
Gold Two-Headed Griffon rampant on a White Field |
Colors |
White and Gold |
Motto |
By Song and Memory |
Country | Duchy of Daggerford, Ardeep, Phalorm, Evermeet, Illefarn, Siluvanede, Aryvandaar |
Parent House | House Vyshaan |
Titles |
Baron of the Floshin Estates (Duchy of Daggerford) Coronal of Siluvanede Laranlor of Ar’Selyndaar (Siluvanede) Aradon’lor (Governor) of Ardeep (under Aryvandaaran occuption) Aradoness-Laranlor (Military Governor) of Ardeep (under Aryvandaaran occuption) |
Founded |
? (first mention -10,460 DR) |
Head |
Disputed since 342 DR: Elorfindar Floshin, Baron of the Floshin Estates (Duchy of Daggerford) Nimara Floshin (Evermeet), Laranla of Ardeep |
Dissolution |
- |
Race |
Gold Elf, (daemonfey) |
Cadet Branches |
Torandrar-Floshin |
Although other branches of the family survive on the isle of Evermeet, in the depths of the High Forest (either as fey’ri imprisoned in Nar Kerymhoarth, the Nameless Dungeon, or as in-stasis inhabitants of Myth Adofhaer), and elsewhere across Faerûn, the primary branch of House Floshin continues to reside on Floshin Estates under the leadership of Lord Elorfindar Floshin. As with other noble elven houses, most scions of House Floshin do not use the surname “Floshin,” except in formal instances, so as not to bring shame upon their house when out in the world or engender confusion among the shorter-lived races unused to multiple generations of one family overlapping at the same time. Most Floshin heirs instead adopt a “common name” by which they are widely known.
Notable Members of House Floshin
Name | Picture | Region | Area | Brief | Status |
Floshin, Elorfindan |
![]() | Illefarn |
Elf, Magic, Government |
Aradon’lor (Governor) of Ardeep (under Aryvandaaran occuption). Assassinated by Moon Elf freedom fighters operating in the Trollbark Forest. |
Deceased (-10,220 DR) |
Floshin, Callondell |
![]() | Illefarn |
Elf, Magic, Government |
Aradon’lor (Governor) of Ardeep (under Aryvandaaran occuption). Brother and successor of Elorfindan Floshin. Dies in an apparent riding accident whilst out hunting orcs in the Sword Mountains. |
Deceased (-9,980 DR) |
Floshin, Galltorix |
![]() | Illefarn |
Elf, Magic, Government |
Aradon’lor (Governor) of Ardeep (under Aryvandaaran occuption). Successor of Callondell Floshin. Rabidly racist against Green and Dark elves. Assassinated and immolated by an unknown Green Elven girl. |
Deceased (-9,979 DR) |
Floshin, Aliorfindor |
![]() | Siluvanede |
Elf, Magic, Government |
Coronal of Siluvanede during the waning years of the Seven Citadels War. Captured by dragon riders from Sharrven as he and his Sun Knights exit a Daemon’fey armory in the northern High Forest. Executed as a war criminal. |
Deceased (-4,331 DR) |
Floshin, Darfin "Longwalker" |
![]() | Elvenhold |
Elf, Magic |
Lord Darfin “Longwalker” Floshin is the eldest child and heir of Elorfindar and Shalamrae. A serious, quiet, “duty first” sort, Lord Darfin was born in the Year of the Toothless Skulls (876 DR), and has never had a wife nor children. In the adventuring days of his youth, when he was known as Darfin Longwalker, he had several lovers (all gold elf females), but has lived alone for centuries on his father’s estate. Darfin overseas the far-flung holdings of House Floshin in the lower Delimbiyr vale and keeps a close eye on the lands that surround them. He is a wary guardian, giving constant scrutiny to the cycles of living things, the health of the verdant land, and how folk of Daggerford and the farms around can best live in harmony with it (which has often brought him into minor conflict with humans over the size of their herds, burning brush to clear land, improper irrigation, and the like). |
Alive |
Floshin, Elorfindar |
![]() | Elvenhold |
Elf, Magic |
Lord of the Floshin Estates, Guardian of the House of Long Silences, Patriarch of House Floshin |
Alive |
Floshin, Elorshin "Highthought" |
![]() | Elvenhold |
Elf, Religion, Magic |
Lord Elorshin “Highthought” Floshin is the second child of Elorfindar and Shalamrae, and from his earliest days “different” (a restless wanderer, more interested in the affairs of humans than of elves). Elorshin was born in the Year of the Slaying Spells (976 DR) and spent much of his youth exploring human cities all over Faerûn, when he was known as Elorshin Highthought. He took all manner of lovers, most of them half-elves and humans, during this time, and may well have had offspring, but knows of none. In time, he became known as a tactical genius, capable of directing small bands of adventurers against much more numerous foes to great effect. During his travels, Elorshin became acquainted with the faith of Vandria Gilmadrith, a relatively obscure elven goddess of the Seldarine most closely associated with the church of Tyr. Now dedicated wholly to Vandria Gilmadrith and “seeing justice rule all things,” has the widest knowledge of Faerûn of anyone in the Daggerford area, and so is apt to be the most tolerant, far-seeing, and “fair” in his views of all local folk. Elorshin serves his father by overseeing the military defense of House Floshin’s holdings, commanding both the house guard and the hired bands of adventurers that serve House Floshin farther afield. |
Alive |
Floshin, Filarion “Filvendorson” |
![]() | Daggerford |
Elf, Magic, Crime |
Roguish and irrepressible eldest child of Filvendor Floshin, grandson of Lord Elorfindar Floshin. Caretaker of Floshin House. |
Alive |
Floshin, Filvendor "Lightfoot" |
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Unknown |
Elf |
Filvendor “Lightfoot” Floshin, born in the Year of the Gilded Cormorant (1129 DR), is the fourth child of Elorfindar and Shalamrae and the most tolerant and easy-going of the four. For a time, Filvendor Lightfoot, as he called himself, seemed bent on traveling even more widely than his elder brother Elorshin, but kept falling in love and interrupting his lackadaisical adventuring ways to dally with yet another lover. His first bride was Ylasmrae Darktreader, a half-moon elf ranger of the Misty Forest (born in 1276 DR, died in 1320 DR). Filvendor married her in 1299 DR, much against Elorfindar’s wishes, shortly before the birth of their first and only child, Kelson “Darktreader” Floshin. Ylasmrae died in childbirth, so Floshin promptly married her younger, human sister Jillian “Forestheart” Darktreader (born in 1279 DR DR, died in 1336 DR), who promised to raise Kelson as her own among the woodsmen and rangers of the Misty Forest. After a few months of marital strife, Filvendor retreated to his father’s estate, leaving Kelson with Jillian, where he took up with a moon elf chambermaid of his father’s household, the beautiful and spirited Elsarassa Cerinlar (who had wanted to become Elorfindar’s lover, and had been hurt by his kind but firm rejections). Despite Elorfindar’s disapproval (based on Elsarassa’s status as a member of the household staff and penchant for dramatic affairs, not her heritage), their relatively brief union led to the birth of Filarion “Filvendorson” Floshin, before Elsarassa fled Elorfindar’s disapproval with the child to Evereska and Filvendor departed for Waterdeep, where he adopted his father’s habit of taking on many elven, half-elven, and human lovers between expeditions into Undermountain. Filvendor returned briefly to the Floshin Estate in fall of the Year of the Snow Winds (1335 DR), before continuing tensions with his father once again drove him off adventuring. After battling a remorhaz on the High Moor, Filvendor found a magic sword with a will of its own in the ice worm’s horde. Strangely, he then left his old sword, Kizidathil, a cherished family blade, with tribe of High Moor barbarians before departing for the Inner Sea Lands on some unexplained quest. Divinations paid for by Elorfindar have determined that Filvendor is still alive, somewhere in the Inner Sea Lands, but his current status is otherwise cloaked in magic. |
Alive |
Floshin, Kelson “Darktreader” |
![]() | Daggerford |
Elf, Nature |
Serious and dour half elven second child of Filvendor Floshin, half-brother of Filarion Floshin, grandson of Lord Elorfindar Floshin. Master-of-the-Hunt to the Duke of Daggerford. |
Alive |
Floshin, Shalendra "Dare-All" |
![]() | Elvenhold |
Elf |
Lady Shalendra “Dare-all” Floshin is the third child of Elorfindar and Shalamrae, born in the Year of the Restless (1099 DR). She was, from her earliest days, fascinated by human nobility, chivalry, and the honor of elves and drawn to the spirit of adventure, as portrayed in the tales of bards. Upon reaching maturity, Shalendra Dare-all, as she was known, became a daring adventurer, known for taking on any test of mettle put to her. After her tragic marriage to Maeriloumel Torandrar and century of Waterdhavian life, Shalendra returned to her familial estate, where she now serves her father, dutifully serving in her mother’s stead as lady of the house and administering the household staff. For those who meet her today, Lady Shalendra Floshin, as she is now known, is a quiet, solitary, graceful gold elf, still cloaked in a mantle of lingering sadness and not at all the daring hellion of her youth. However, for those who knew her then, faint traces of Shalendra's impetuous nature and dark humor still appear from time to time. |
Alive |
Elorfindar’s Wives
Over the centuries, Elorfindar has had four wives and scores of lovers (most of them human, a few half-elven, and a handful of moon elven, though none from among his household; he considers such behavior unseemly and an inevitable cause of discord), although never while married. His first wife and “one true love” Shalamrae, a gold elf wizardress, remained within him in his self-imposed exile, but died tragically in a lighting storm in the Year of the Mesmer Pool (1186 DR).
Elorfindar has since taken three human wives from the Waterdhavian nobility of Waterdeep and had several more children, but they have all died as well. His human wives included: Moaril Lanngolyn (married 1206 DR, died in 1236 DR; blown apart in a magical explosion involving an enchanted Lanngolyn family heirloom necklace; no children); Khryskrarra Manthar (married 1242 DR, died 1277 DR; died giving birth to her fourth child, a stillborn girl; three children); and Tannatha Raventree (married 1296 DR, died 1329 DR, vaporized in a magical duel between two feuding human adventurer-mages who just happened to encounter each other and do battle in her garden; one wizard was also blasted to nothingness, and the other teleported away; two children).
Floshin / Shalamrae Lineage
Elorfindar and Shalamrae Floshin had four gold elf children over six centuries, all of whom are believed to still survive (although Filvendor’s current status is cloaked in magic): Darfin “Longwalker” Floshin, Elorshin “Highthought” Floshin, Shalendra “Dare-all” Floshin, and Filvendor “Lightfoot” Floshin,
Darfin has never married nor had children.
Elorshin has never married, but he has had many human and half-elf lovers. He is unaware of any children.
Shalendra married a gold elf named Maeriloumel Torandrar and had one son (see Floshin / Torandrar lineage below).
Filvendor has married twice and had two known sons (only one through marriage): Kelson “Darktreader” Floshin and Filarion “Filvendorson” Floshin.
Floshin / Manthar Lineage
Elorfindar Floshin and Khryskrarra Manthar had three half-gold elf children who survived childbirth, but this family branch is now believed to be extinct:
- Rilkra Floshin (1244 DR - 1279 DR)
- female, adventuress, had her mother’s ankle-length, flowing black hair, took as partners three females in succession (each was killed while adventuring); died childless, devoured by monsters whilst adventuring;
- Orandel “the Bard of Daggerford” Floshin (1248 DR - 1299 DR)
- a handsome, wenching musician of impish humor, great good looks, and questionable morals; castrated and slain by an outraged husband who promptly fled the area, never to be seen again. Orandel had no children, though not for lack of trying.
- Alsandra Floshin (1250 DR - 1314 DR)
- devoured by wolves during a fierce winter blizzard. a plain, smart cabinet-maker and carver, who married locally and happily thrice, outliving two of her husbands, but had no children (she was probably barren). Her husbands were all human: Andrar Tarthilt (honest, kindly carpenter; married Alsandra in 1287 DR, died 1289 DR when a wagon of lamp oil overturned atop him and caught fire); Boruldyn Rathgeld (a darkly handsome textiles trader and shopkeeper; married Alsandra 1299 DR and died in 1304 DR, lost at sea when the merchant caravel “Dar’s Fortune” foundered in a storm); Maskarl Deldreir (witty but rather ugly alchemist; maker and seller of ointments, physics, and perfumes; married Alsandra in 1306 DR, left the Daggerford area for Amn after her death, and died in Athkatla of a fever in 1328 DR).
Floshin / Raventree Lineage
Elorfindar Floshin and Tannatha Raventree had two half-gold elf children, but this family branch may be extinct:
- Darnath “Florraven” Floshin (1297 DR - 1347 DR)
- male, a dashing, energetic trader in Amn, who died of a fever after having been weakened by three poisonings arranged by different rival traders. Darnath was a fierce competitor who made many foes and lived hard; he may well have unknown and unacknowledged descendants in cities up and down the Sword Coast. He married a wealthy young widow of Athkatla, Tanthla Lorridar, in 1341 DR; she died of a fever in 1355 DR. They had one daughter, Asmrarra, born in 1342 DR, who was headstrong and had a wild temper, used Lorridar as her surname, fought fiercely with her mother and everyone else, and departed for “the Sea of Fallen Stars and true freedom” in 1354 DR, never to be seen again (her fate is unknown).
- Esmaera Floshin (1306 DR - ? )
- a quiet, nature-loving wanderer and weaver who “caught a sudden fire of restlessness” and joined the Harpers, departing the Sword Coast lands with some traveling Harper agents, bound for parts unknown. Her fate is not known, but Elorfindar doubts she’s still alive (she was briefly in Berdusk, was sent on a mission, and never returned; the mission is still unaccomplished).
Torandrar / Floshin Lineage
Shalendra “Dare-all” Floshin married (in 1199 DR) Maeriloumel Torandrar, a gold elf warrior much her elder (whose family had a trace of demonic ancestry dating back to the time of Siluvanede), who’d retired from adventuring and dwelt in the High Forest verges north of Secomber. They had a son, Alorel Torandrar, named for Maeriloumel’s grandsire, in 1229 DR, but Maeriloumel was slain (transformed into a beast and then blasted apart and burned) while fighting evil human adventurer-mages near his home in the spring of 1244 DR.
Alorel, maddened by grief, set off into the High Forest determined to hunt down and destroy his father’s killers. He soon ran into worse foes, and lost an arm. It and most of his gear were soon found by other elves, who brought them back to Shalendra. Grieving, she abandoned the Torandrar forest home and lost herself in the bustle of Waterdeep, and the strivings, splendors, and ambitions of humans for a century, ere returning to the Daggerford area.
In the meantime, the maimed Alorel met and was nursed back to health by Nynendra Mrauthae, a moon elf of a poor family dwelling in the forests of the Delimbiyr valley. They wed in 1265 DR and had two daughters, Kiratha Torandrar in 1279 DR and Rilathra Torandrar in 1282 DR. Alorel has never recovered from his father’s slaying, and has become bitter and brooding, given to killing rages and to suddenly storming off on long quests to seek the humans who slew his father (so far as is known, he has never found them, but he has made a lot of enemies and killed a lot of other human wizards, down the years). Alorel often beat his family and left them for dead, and Kiratha fled from him in the summer of 1349 DR. He promptly set about hunting her down, found her, and seemed on the verge of slaying her, but her mother Nynendra, who’d stealthily followed him, confronted Alorel and fought him, allowing Kiratha to escape. Alorel defeated Nynendra, leaving her for dead, but had in turn been sorely wounded by her, and wandered off into the High Forest screaming that he would “Avenge Maeriloumel this time!” (He has not been seen since).
Unbeknownst to her family, Rilathra Torandrar, the silent and darkly beautiful second daughter of Alorel and Nynendra, had stealthily followed her mother. She rescued the wounded Nynendra as soon as Alorel was out of sight, nursed her back to health, and the two of them then departed the Sword Coast lands, heading east for Hullack Forest in Cormyr, or beyond. Word of their fates and whereabouts has not come to Daggerford.
Kiratha Torandrar, or “Kira Highforest” as she is now known, knows of her Floshin heritage from her father, ere his descent into madness. Heartbroken at what she believed was the death of her mother at the hands of her mad father, she now wanders the Sword Coast lands, falling in with human caravans as a guard from time to time and exploring some of the human-dominated cities. She has begun to grow tired of their grasping and petty ways and may soon return to the Daggerford area to introduce herself to her Floshin kin.